Our Online Self-Assessment Program

The Platinum Rule® Leadership Assessment

Mastering one important skill—adaptive communications—will help you become a charismatic, effective leader that others want to follow.

Paying attention to the mode in which the other person is currently operating in will give you immediate insight into how they wish to be coached, trained, counseled and/or motivated!

DISC styles 360

The Leadership Effectiveness
Profile (LEP)

Out of the hundreds or thousands of human behaviors, there are only a handful that can be directly tied to outstanding leadership.

Leadership 360 Assessment

Dynamic, effective leaders are constantly honing their skills and investing in their own personal development.

The Leadership 360 Assessment is based on eight leadership abilities that are demonstrated by outstanding leaders. The Leadership360 survey is a powerful and significant tool that will help you improve your leadership effectiveness. It measures your current attitudes and abilities in eight major leadership abilities.

DISCstyle™ Online Report

An indisputable fact is that people prefer to interact with people they like. The ability to create rapport with people is a fundamental skill in sales, management, personal relationships, and everyday life.

The goal of the DISCstyles is to help you create personal chemistry and productive relationships. You do not have to change your personality; you simply have to understand what drives people and recognize your options for effectively dealing with them.